Life's already this hard. Don't you dare make it harder by your mouth!
Benar adanya bahwa judging sebesar biji zarrah pun yang terdengar di telinga atau telihat oleh mata itu efeknya bisa berhari-hari. Only God really knows how much it'll hurt us. Only God really knows how much it'll consumes our mind, unconsciously. Standar penerimaan setiap orang berbeda-beda. Ada yang di judge sedikit, dianya bodo amat. Ada yang paranoid, padahal ga ada yang nge-judge tapi dianya udah stres duluan. People's level of tolerance are absolutely and will always be different. So at this level, could you just please understand?
You know what's bitter? People's interruption.
They want us to live life according to the values they trust, to their standards of living. They told us that we shouldn't be living like this or that. Oh man.. could you just please stop?
Everyone deals with a lot of things each day. Can you just please be a good companion for them? To concole everytime it gets hard?
If it bothers you so could you just.. sit still and be quiet?
To everyone's decision, good or bad, that's a lot for them to deal with. So can you just please.. respect it?
Just mind your own business and just please be nice. That really means a lot.
Just mind your own business and just please be nice. That really means a lot.